Planning a daring escape from the clutches of expenses, busy schedules, and chaos?
I'm your perfect off-sider.

Planning a daring escape from the clutches of expenses, busy schedules, and chaos?
I'm your perfect off-sider.

Planning a daring escape from the clutches of expenses, busy schedules, and chaos?
I'm your perfect off-sider.

Planning a daring escape from the clutches of expenses, busy schedules, and chaos?
I'm your perfect off-sider.

Planning a daring escape from the clutches of expenses, busy schedules, and chaos?
I'm your perfect off-sider.

Hey there, I'm Courtenay, your partner in virtual vigilance! As a freelance virtuoso, I'm here to safeguard your most prized treasures: time, money, and serenity.

My secret power? I swoop in to liberate you from the clutches of daunting tasks, making space for you to channel your energy into turbocharging your business and personal passions. From cracking complex codes to orchestrating seamless operations, consider it done.

My mission's crystal clear: I'm the accomplice that ensures your aspirations stay on the fast track while keeping hassles at bay. So, let's cook up a plan! Your story, your biz - I'm all ears. Together, we'll outsmart the challenges, boost efficiency, and celebrate the wins.
Lets rendezvous!

Hey there, I'm Courtenay, your partner in virtual vigilance! As a freelance virtuoso, I'm here to safeguard your most prized treasures: time, money, and serenity.

My secret power? I swoop in to liberate you from the clutches of daunting tasks, making space for you to channel your energy into turbocharging your business and personal passions. From cracking complex codes to orchestrating seamless operations, consider it done.

My mission's crystal clear: I'm the accomplice that ensures your aspirations stay on the fast track while keeping hassles at bay. So, let's cook up a plan! Your story, your biz - I'm all ears. Together, we'll outsmart the challenges, boost efficiency, and celebrate the wins.
Lets rendezvous!

Hey there, I'm Courtenay, your partner in virtual vigilance! As a freelance virtuoso, I'm here to safeguard your most prized treasures: time, money, and serenity.

My secret power? I swoop in to liberate you from the clutches of daunting tasks, making space for you to channel your energy into turbocharging your business and personal passions. From cracking complex codes to orchestrating seamless operations, consider it done.

My mission's crystal clear: I'm the accomplice that ensures your aspirations stay on the fast track while keeping hassles at bay. So, let's cook up a plan! Your story, your biz - I'm all ears. Together, we'll outsmart the challenges, boost efficiency, and celebrate the wins.
Lets rendezvous!

Get In Touch

Who am I?

Who am I?

Who am I?

Since 2000, I've been engaged in the movie business - began my journey as a production assistant and recently wrapped up a significant Apple TV project as a location supervisor in Auckland, NZ.
I was the primary individual responsible for a multi-million dollar department expenditure. From managing teams and budgets to handling equipment, I've done it all. Additionally, I've been a successful entrepreneur, Launching two primarily DTC beverage brands.

Since 2000, I've been engaged in the movie business - began my journey as a production assistant and recently wrapped up a significant Apple TV project as a location supervisor in Auckland, NZ.
I was the primary individual responsible for a multi-million dollar department expenditure. From managing teams and budgets to handling equipment, I've done it all. Additionally, I've been a successful entrepreneur, Launching two primarily DTC beverage brands.

Since 2000, I've been engaged in the movie business - began my journey as a production assistant and recently wrapped up a significant Apple TV project as a location supervisor in Auckland, NZ.
I was the primary individual responsible for a multi-million dollar department expenditure. From managing teams and budgets to handling equipment, I've done it all. Additionally, I've been a successful entrepreneur, Launching two primarily DTC beverage brands.

How can I help?

How can I help?

How can I help?

How can I help?

How can I help?

Email Flow Setup

Let me tell you, dialing in your email flows in Klaviyo is so crucial for any ecommerce biz. I'm talking welcome sequences, abandoned cart reminders, thank you notes - the works.

When I ran my last company, Klaviyo brought in up to 35% of our monthly revenue through email alone. Those perfectly timed automations helped turn subscribers into loyal customers.

So if you need a hand crafting effective triggers, segmented flows, or setting up UTMs to track results - I can assist with all that implementation stuff. The key is figuring out what messages resonate with your audience and get results.

With the right email strategy, you'll be surprised how much revenue Klaviyo can drive. Just say the word if you want help taking your email marketing to the next level. Happy to lend a hand!

Virtual Assistance

As your virtual assistant, I promise to help make your days run smoother. You can count on me to seamlessly handle those time-consuming daily tasks - scheduling meetings, booking business trips, doing research, sending reminders, etc.

My goal is to provide the support and assistance you need, exactly when you need it. I want to help clear your plate so you can focus on accomplishing your big picture objectives and business goals without getting bogged down in the small stuff.

Whether it's managing your calendar, confirming travel plans, compiling reports, or any other administrative task - I've got you covered. Consider me your right-hand helper ready to take on whatever you need done. Let me know how I can lend a hand!


You can trust me to keep excellent financial records with my meticulous attention to detail. I've gotten really skilled at using Xero to handle all the accounts, suppliers, payments and other bookkeeping tasks efficiently.

My superpower is taking those messy piles of receipts and spreadsheets and transforming them into pristine, accurate books. I'll stay on top of recording every expense, invoice, and bank transaction so you have up-to-date info at your fingertips.

The goal is to make your bookkeeping as smooth as possible so you can focus on big picture strategy, not administrative headaches. Let me know if I can lend my number-wrangling talents to your business! Happy to chat more about how I can support your bookkeeping needs.

Airtable Solutions

Let me unleash the power of Airtable for your business! I excel at customizing Airtable bases to perfectly fit your needs and set up automations that save you tons of time.

My superpower is taking your workflows and processes and translating them seamlessly into Airtable. I'll build you user-friendly bases, views, calendars, forms - whatever you require - so your team has an effortless Airtable experience.

Whether it's inventory management, project tracking, client CRM, or anything in between, I can create and automate the ideal Airtable solution. Say goodbye to manual tasks and let me know if you need an Airtable wizard! I love helping businesses realize how simple and powerful Airtable can be.

Business Intelligence

Let me put my top-notch research skills to work for your business! I excel at digging up any information you need - whether it's vetting product suppliers, evaluating shipping options, or sourcing those tricky obscure parts.

My superpower is taking your research objectives and turning over every stone to uncover actionable insights. I'll compile detailed reports on suppliers, evaluate global logistics solutions, and provide recommendations to inform your decisions.

Whether you need help locating ideal vendor partners, optimizing your supply chain, or researching growth opportunities - I've got the persistence and know-how to deliver. Let me know if you need a research guru in your corner! Happy to apply my investigative skills to solve your business questions.

Web Tag setup

Tracking and optimizing your marketing performance just got easier with my help! I'm your gal for getting platforms like Google Tag Manager, Facebook Pixel, and Shopify all configured to maximize your insights.

My superpower is taking those complex technical steps for event tracking, ecommerce tracking, and attribution modeling and making them work seamlessly behind the scenes. You'll get access to the data you need to make smart decisions, without any of the admin hassle.

Whether it's deploying tags, troubleshooting flows, or ensuring accurate attribution, I've got the expertise to get your tracking on point. Let's chat more about how I can help amp up your marketing analytics game and save you major headaches!

What kind of tasks can I get you to take care of?

What kind of tasks can I get you to take care of?

What kind of tasks can I get you to take care of?

What kind of tasks can I get you to take care of?

What kind of tasks can I get you to take care of?


  • Calendar management

  • Inbox administration

  • Contract management

  • Doc creation eg Policy Manuals

  • Information research

  • Newsletter coordination

  • Almost anything else


  • Record keeping

  • Balancing

  • Generating invoices

  • Tracking overdue payments

  • Entering bills

  • Setting payment reminders

  • Accounts Payable / Receivable

  • Payroll processing


  • Order processing

  • Customer Service enquires

  • Essential website creation

  • Complete website development

  • Set-up inventory management

  • Email automation flows

  • App integrations

  • Ongoing maintenance and updates


  • Automate HR processes

  • Data Reporting

  • Customer support tickets

  • Data management forms

  • Appointment scheduling and reminders

  • Creating systems that work

Plus so much more….

Plus so much more….

Plus so much more….

Plus so much more….

Plus so much more….

Ok, whats next?

Ok, whats next?

Ok, whats next?

Want to work together? It's easy to get started - Just send me an email introducing yourself and describing what kind of help you need.

In a few hours, I'll follow up either with a quote if it's a simple request, or we can hop on a call to discuss more complex projects.

My goal is to make the process smooth and straightforward so we can start collaborating quickly.

Don't hesitate to reach out, even if you're not sure exactly what you need yet. I'm happy to have an initial discussion and provide recommendations.

Want to work together? It's easy to get started - Just send me an email introducing yourself and describing what kind of help you need.

In a few hours, I'll follow up either with a quote if it's a simple request, or we can hop on a call to discuss more complex projects.

My goal is to make the process smooth and straightforward so we can start collaborating quickly.

Don't hesitate to reach out, even if you're not sure exactly what you need yet. I'm happy to have an initial discussion and provide recommendations.

Want to work together? It's easy to get started - Just send me an email introducing yourself and describing what kind of help you need.

In a few hours, I'll follow up either with a quote if it's a simple request, or we can hop on a call to discuss more complex projects.

My goal is to make the process smooth and straightforward so we can start collaborating quickly.

Don't hesitate to reach out, even if you're not sure exactly what you need yet. I'm happy to have an initial discussion and provide recommendations.

click here to send me an email

With an extra team member supporting you virtually, you’ll work smarter and faster.

Crush your goals and reduce stress starting today.

The ROI on your productivity and freedom is priceless!

With an extra team member supporting you virtually, you’ll work smarter and faster.

Crush your goals and reduce stress starting today.

The ROI on your productivity and freedom is priceless!

Whats the fee for joining forces?

Whats the fee for joining forces?

Whats the fee for joining forces?

Ad-Hoc Tasks

$55 hour

$55 hour

Document Creation

Google Tag manager and Shopify Integration

FB Ad pixel and ad account setup

Google Keyword research

Anything else? Ask

Monthly - 10 hours

$500 month

$500 month

Virtual Assistant


General business research

General admin

Anything else? Ask

Monthly - 20 hours

$950 month

$950 month

Virtual Assistant

Book Keeping

General business research

General admin

Anything else? Ask

No Contract. Cancel Anytime

Got questions…?

Got questions…?

Got questions…?

Are you available for longer jobs?

What about your availability and time zone?

What does asyncronously mean?

Do you sign NDAs?

What sets you apart from other VAs?

Anything else that differentiates your services?

How do you communicate with clients?

What happens if a client is dissatisfied?

How do I pay you?

Click Here to Send me an Email

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